HSWL RP Ombudsman Coordinators
Ombudsman Coordinators are encouraged to reach out to new ombudsmen,
providing support and information to them, as well as to their commanding
officers. HSWL Ombudsman Coordinators provide ombudsmen with the training
and tools needed for an ombudsman to perform their volunteer duties. These
services or resources can be obtained by contacting the Ombudsman Coordinator at your Work-Life Staff. Work-Life Staff are located at Regional Practices Coast Guard-wide.
Area Regional Ombudsman Coordinators
The Atlantic and Pacific Area Regional Ombudsman Coordinators (ROCs) address
ombudsman program service delivery issues in their respective areas. The
ROCs plan, consult, train, network and publicize program components,
including a wide range of services involving the Ombudsman Program.
The ROCs perform these duties in cooperation with the Ombudsman Program
Manager, HSWL SC WL staff and HSWL RP Ombudsman Coordinators.