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Policies Regarding Physical Fitness
As an important factor in mission readiness and an essential component of total wellness, physical fitness should be strongly encouraged at all levels of the command. The following items provide a brief outline for commands regarding CG policy for engaging in physical activity.

More information about policies regarding physical activity during the work day, see Chapter Four of the Coast Guard Health Promotion Manual - COMDTINST M6200.1D.

For Active Duty Members:
Commands shall allow a minimum of 180 minutes per week during the work day to carry out activities outlined in the member’s Personal Fitness Plan. Active duty members must engage in physical fitness activities for a minimum 180 minutes per week.

For Civilian Employees:
Commands/supervisors may allow up to 180 minutes per week during the work day to carry out activities outlined in the civilian member’s Personal Fitness Plan.

Office of Work-Life Programs : Physical Fitness Program

CG-6049 Personal Fitness Plan

CG-6200 Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (Par Q)

Need for Physical Fitness
To ensure a fit, ready for duty workforce, the Health Promotion Program’s Physical Fitness component is intended to assist personnel with assessing their current fitness status and design an exercise program to enhance or maintain their current level of fitness. The HP program can assist commands with developing a unit fitness instruction to encourage participation in regular physical training required by Commandant Policy. The Health Promotion Program also provides oversight and subject matter expertise in the development of Coast Guard wide fitness standards required to qualify for assignment to certain units.

Services and Resources Available

  • Human Performance Resources by CHAMP: Visit HPRC-online.org for military specific information ona variety of health subjects, including exercise training, performance, and injury prevention.

  • RX3: Rehab, Refit, Return to Duty: This guide helps Military Service Members recover from and prevent common musculoskeletal injuries, ultimately improving Service Member overall physical fitness..

  • Coast Guard Athleticism Program (CGAP)
    CGAP was built upon the principles of the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) and Athletes' Performance Institute (API). CGAP begins at the intermediate stages of training.

  • Contact CG SUPRT Health Coaching at 855-CGSUPRT (855-247-8778) or www.CGSUPRT.com. (CG SUPRT is under a new contract, this feature will be available 1 Nov 2017).

  • To estimate caloric needs refer to caloric intake calculator 

  • Fitness Equipment Tool Box (FET)

  • Physical Fitness Help Programs, sponsored by the Office of Work-Life Health Promotion Manager.        

FAQs on Physical Fitness Study
Active Duty Phase One Fitness Study

Phase Two Fitness Study

Program References
The following references provide details of the Physical Fitness Program:

Related Websites
The following websites provide information related to the Physical Fitness Program:

  • Healthy Living - http:/cdc.gov/healthyLiving This CDC website offers a variety of topics to attain a healthy life style.
  • 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans - http://www.health.gov/paguidelines/  this site provides information and guidance on the types and amounts of physical activity that provide substantial health benefits.
  • The President’s Challenge - http://www.presidentschallenge.org. The National President’s Challenge is a nationwide call to action for a healthier America. It’s fun and it’s free! All you have to do is be active five days a week for six out of eight weeks, and log your activity.
  • Shape Up America - http://www.shapeup.org/. This site provides latest information about safe weight management and physical fitness by Dr. C. Everett Koop.
  • Stretching Handout

Point of Contact
If you are unable to contact the Health Promotion Manager on your Regional Work-Life Staff, or need additional assistance beyond the information provided here, please contact the Headquarters Health Promotions Program Manager, Tim Merrell at (202) 475-5146, fax (202) 475-5907, or email at Timothy.M.Merrell@uscg.mil.

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