Office of Housing Management (CG-1M2)

WASHINGTON DC 20593-7907

Anti-Harassment Program Management Office

The Anti-Harassment Program Management Office (AHPO) is responsible for managing the Coast Guard Anti-Harassment Program (AHP). The AHPO receives and monitors Anti-Harassment and Hate Incident (AHHI) complaints, provides policy guidance and support to commands during AHHI investigations, and reports on AHHI data.

Commitment to a Discrimination and Harassment Free Workplace

Discrimination and harassing behaviors are prohibited in the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard is committed to providing a work environment free of discrimination and harassing behaviors. Consequently, harassing behaviors are prohibited even if they do not rise to the level of harassment that violates the law. Although a single harassing utterance or act may not rise to a level that may be actionable under the law, it still has no place in our Service.

How to File an Anti-Harassment and Hate Incident (AHHI) Complaint

Anyone, civilian or military, who has witnessed or has been subject to behavior believed to be harassment or hate may make an AHHI complaint to:

(1) Any person of authority within the member or employee’s chain of command, or

(2) The AHPO (identified or anonymously) at:

Filing an EO/EEO Complaint

The Civil Rights Directorate is responsible for processing complaints of discrimination, including discriminatory harassment, through the Equal Opportunity (EO) or Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint process.  Individuals who believe they have been subjected to unlawful discrimination based on their race, national origin, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), age, disability, genetic information, marital status, parental status, political affiliation, or retaliation for engaging in a protected EO/EEO activity or opposing discriminatory practices have the right to access the complaint process. Individuals who wish to file an EO/EEO complaint for unlawful discrimination must contact a Civil Rights Service Provider (CRSP) within 45 calendar days of the discriminatory event. The CRSP will provide information about the complaint process and attempt to facilitate a resolution.  Some considerations for the EO/EEO process and AHHI process:

  • Filing an EO/EEO complaint is a separate process from the AHHI complaint process. 
  • Individuals may concurrently file an EO/EEO complaint with the Civil Rights Directorate and report harassment to the Anti-Harassment Program Office. 
  • Filing an AHHI complaint does not extend the 45-calendar day filing requirement in the EO/EEO complaint process.

Filing a Complaint for Whistleblower Retaliation and Reprisal:

Civilian personnel who believe they have been subjected to whistleblower retaliation or reprisal may file a complaint with:

  1. U.S. Office of Special Counsel (OSC), or
  2. DHS Office of Inspector General (OIG)

Military members who believe they are subject to whistleblower retaliation or reprisal may file a complaint with DHS OIG.

Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB):

Civilian personnel who believe they have been subjected to personnel action directly appealable to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) may also file an “otherwise appealable action” with MSPB at

Anti-Harassment Training

E-Learning Course - 810000 - Sexual Harassment Prevention (SHP)

E-Learning Course - 100227 - Preventing and Addressing Workplace Harassment

E-Learning Course - 810005 - DHS No Fear Act & Anti-Harassment Course


COMDTINST 5350.6 – Harassing Behaviors Prevention, Response, and Accountability

Coast Guard Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy Statement

DHS Anti-Harassment Policy Statement 256-06

DHS Anti-Harassment Program Directive 256-01

DHS Anti-Harassment Program Instruction 256-01-001

Useful Links

AHPO SharePoint Site (CAC Required)

List of AHHI Investigating Officers (CAC required)

DHS-HQ Anti-Harassment Unit

Sexual Assault Prevention Response & Recovery (SAPRR)


Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS)

Civil Rights Directorate SharePoint Site (CAC Required)

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