What is the Surge Capacity Force?
The Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act (PKEMRA) [link to this legislation] mandated the creation of a Surge Capacity Force (SCF) which will be “capable of deploying rapidly and efficiently after activation to prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters, acts of terrorism, and other man-made disasters, including catastrophic incidents.” The Coast Guard strongly encourages civilians to volunteer via the Coast Guard application process
Who can volunteer?
Permanent, full-time or temporary full-time federal employees in the USCG with the exception of members of the Incident Management Assistance Team ( IMAT), District Response Assist Team (DRAT), Joint Field Office (JFO), Maritime Transportation System Recovery Units (MTSRU) or the Selected Reserves (SELRES) due to their unique roles within a recovery from a catastrophic event.
What kind of work does an SCF volunteer perform?
Volunteers may work in one of three program areas: Public Assistance (debris monitoring), Individual Assistance (aid to survivors), and Community Relations (outreach to the public about available disaster assistance programs).
How long are deployments?
Those who volunteer in the SCF may deploy for up to 45 days.
Is volunteering for SCF a requirement of my position?
No, it is strictly voluntary and one may withdraw at any time.
Is supervisory approval required?
Yes. Employees must self certify their supervisors’ approval to volunteer. The self certification is accomplished in the application process. This applies both when employees initially sign to volunteer and again as a reassessment of the current organizational mission requirements at the time of an actual call up.
Who administers the SCF program?
The executive agent for this program is FEMA. Each component has its own application process.
How do I apply?
USCG civilian employees will receive an initial individual email with instructions on how to apply. The application will be done through the email itself. The email application process will be repeated for subsequent “open seasons”.
What kind of training will I receive for SCF?
Employees can begin on-line training anytime, with their supervisors’ approval. In addition, employees may receive enhanced training at a staging area before they are sent to a disaster area.
Who is my point of contact?
You may address questions to:
What are conditions like in the field?
Conditions will be challenging. Remember, if SCF is activated, it means that the disaster is catastrophic. Living conditions are often austere during deployments to include but not limited to: no running water, no electricity, sleeping in tents and weather extremes.
Are there any medical or health requirements?
The application process requires that volunteers must self certify regarding their medical fitness to perform the SCF duties. The application process and the website contain a checklist of medical/health conditions that can be printed out and discussed with the employee’s physician if any items are applicable.
How are travel cards obtained?
Employees who are interested in volunteering and have met all conditions except possessing a travel card should contact their local travel managers to request assistance in acquiring a travel card for SCF volunteers. The following link to the Personnel Service Center, Business Operations Staff website will provide detailed information on obtaining a travel card and the contact information for the local travel manager:
Who pays for travel if the SCF is activated and volunteers are called to report?
The volunteers’ units will initially pay the travel costs. Those costs will be reimbursed by FEMA.
How do volunteers know when to deploy?
Volunteers will receive a call from FEMA’s Automated Deployment Database (ADD) team. They will provide the volunteers with all the information they need to begin their deployment.