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Formal Meetings

A Formal meeting is a discussion or meeting between one or more representatives of the agency and one or more employees in the bargaining unit concerning any grievance or any personnel policy or practice or other general condition of employment. The term “discussion” is synonymous with “meeting” and no actual discussion or dialogue need occur for the meeting to constitute a formal discussion.

  • A meeting is considered formal if there is:
    • Presence of a supervisor or management official and at least one bargaining unit employee; and
    • Discussion of a new or changed policy or working condition, or
    • Discussion of a grievance or appeal; and
    • Formality; such as required attendance, an agenda, use of a conference room, scheduled times, etc.
  • Prior to conducting this meeting, the management representative must notify the union and give its designated representative a reasonable opportunity to attend.
  • If a union representative is part of the work group attending a formal discussion, his/her presence at the meeting does not fulfill management’s obligation to formally notify the union. The union must be afforded the opportunity to send a representative of its choice.
  • Since this right is granted to the union, an individual or group of employees at the meeting may not waive it.
  • The union’s role at a formal discussion is to actively represent the entire bargaining unit. The union representative at the meeting may speak and ask questions; however, this must be done in a professional and non-disruptive manner.
  • Typically, routine informational staff meetings held by first level supervisors are NOT considered formal meetings. Additionally, counseling sessions, the discussion of current work procedures and assignments, or performance reviews are NOT formal meetings.

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