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Special Act, On-The-Spot, Time Off Awards

On-the-Spot and Time-Off incentive awards may be granted for efforts or accomplishments which are significantly above and beyond expected job performance.  These awards may be granted in addition to a performance award or Quality Step Increase (QSI); however, an employee may not be granted a Special Act or Service Award and a Performance Award for the same rated performance.

  • Special Act or Service Awards - A one-time recognition of an individual or a group of employees for a non-recurring contribution made either within or outside of normal job responsibilities. There is no limitation on the number of Special Act Awards an employee may receive in a year. However, each nomination must be justified in writing, and prudence and good judgment should be the guiding principles when determining whether to recognize an employee multiple times in a single year. An exemplary work accomplishment, an act of heroism, a disclosure of fraud, waste, or abuse or an invention are examples of efforts that may warrant a Special Act Award. If a Special Act or Service Award is to include cash, the amount of the award must be based on the value of the benefit received which may be tangible, intangible, or a combination of both. Neither type of benefit is inherently of greater value than the other. Limits on cash awards may be found in COMDTINST M12451.1C, the Coast Guard Civilian Awards Manual.
  • On-the-Spot Cash Awards - A one-time recognition of an employee by a first-level supervisor for a non-recurring contribution made either within or outside of normal job responsibilities. A first-level supervisor approves without further review, a maximum amount of $500. An employee may receive On-the-Spot Awards at the maximum amount of $500 each, not to exceed $1,000 in a 12-month period. An On-the-Spot Award provides immediate reinforcement for exceptional, beneficial performance. Successfully accomplishing an extra work project, developing an idea that produces an immediate benefit to the work unit, or an ability to efficiently and effectively accomplish work are examples of exemplary efforts that may warrant an On-the-Spot Award.
  • Time-Off Awards - A Time-Off Award recognizes a one-time, non-recurring contribution(s) granted to an individual or a group of employees for superior accomplishment or other personal effort that substantially enhances the quality, efficiency, or economy of Coast Guard operations. An employee receives time off from work without a loss of pay or charge to leave. The time off granted must be used within one year (26 pay periods) of receipt of the award. When determining the amount of time off to be granted, the benefit to the Coast Guard resulting from the contribution must be evaluated. Chapter 7-1 of COMDTINST M12451.1C, the Coast Guard Civilian Awards Manual, provides a methodology for determining the amount of time off to be granted. Whether an employee is full-time or part-time is also a factor in the methodology, i.e. time-off awards for part-time employees are calculated on a prorated basis. A Time-Off Award may be used in lieu of a performance cash award.