CEUO Emblem

Civil Engineering Unit Oakland (CEUO)


CIvil Engineering Unit Oakland Logo
Environmental Management Branch (EMB)



The Environmental Management Branch supports all other programs within CEU Oakland as well as CG field units through the following:

  • Environmental review and permit coordination for all construction and maintenance actions.  Environmental reviewers consult with regulatory agencies regarding endangered species, historic buildings, water quality protection, and coastal planning; and advise project designers on how to minimize environmental impacts.
  • Environmental compliance and restoration.  EMB staff manage projects to clean up contamination, such as fuel spills or lead-contaminated soil, lead-based paint or asbestos abatement.  This could include removing contaminated soils from around a historic lighthouse so it can be transferred to private ownership, or addressing contaminated sediment beneath a Coast Guard pier.
  • Direct Field Unit Support. EMB staff support compliance with USCG policy and environmental regulations (federal, state, and local) at USCG sectors, bases, stations, and field offices.  This involves developing storm-water plans, spill prevention plans, and air quality permits; and assisting the units with hazardous waste/materials tracking and management.