Surface Acquisitions Logistics Center

Delivering Integrated Logistics Systems
Building the logistics systems that keep the Coast Guard’s surface fleet mission-ready starts at the Surface Acquisitions Logistics Center (SALC), which is collocated with the Surface Forces Logistics Center (SFLC) in Baltimore, Maryland. The SALC is the Coast Guard’s center of expertise for developing integrated logistics support needed to transition new cutters and boats into operational service. The SALC coordinates its efforts across Coast Guard technical authorities, stakeholders, and industry partners with the objective of making the Service’s newest assets supportable on day one, resulting in enhanced operational readiness and mission execution.
As cutters and boats transition from acquisition to sustainment, the SALC continues to refine and mature the product support package needed by the responsible Product Line. This is vitally important work, given the complexity of the newest assets delivered to the Coast Guard fleet and the need to capture changes across multi-year shipbuilding programs.