Coast Guard Care Anywhere

The Coast Guard provides primary medical, operational medicine, preventive health, and behavioral health support to the more than 42,000 active duty and 8,000 reserve members across 42 clinics and 160 sickbays. Access to health care has been a continued challenge for the Coast Guard due to the ongoing and projected decrease in PSH providers. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the system has been further stressed by an increased need for medical readiness services and implementation of new measures to safeguard the health of users. To address these long-standing and novel challenges, the Health Services program is moving forward with a rapid deployment of a telehealth solution.
How is it being acquired?
The telehealth program is working under an accelerated program schedule to reach full operational capability by the end of first quarter fiscal year 2021. The program released a Request for Information on May 8, 2020, released a Request for Proposal on July 24, 2020, and awarded a contract to MicroHealth LLC on September 22, 2020, to field the system, which will be known as Coast Guard Care Anywhere.