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Coast Guard issues request for proposal for special purpose craft – heavy weather II


The Coast Guard released a request for proposal (RFP) on Dec. 10 for the design and production of up to six special purpose craft – heavy weather generation II (SPC-HWX II) boats to replace the service’s previous fleet of 52-foot special purpose craft – heavy weather (SPC-HWX) boats, which have been removed from service.  

The RFP can be found here.

The Coast Guard plans to deploy SPC-HWX IIs from Coast Guard stations in the Pacific Northwest to conduct search and rescue missions in extreme weather conditions, including surf and extreme seas, and to tow larger fishing vessels in distress. Other secondary missions will include ports, waterways and coastal security and law enforcement.  

The 52-foot SPC-HWX boats were built in the 1950s, became increasingly difficult to maintain and have been retired.  

For more information: Boat Acquisition Program page.