April 23, 2024 —
The Coast Guard released a request for information (RFI) on April 18 to identify potential sources for the procurement of three inland buoy tenders (WLIs), gauge the level of small business interest and capability and obtain industry feedback on planned technical drawings and requirements. The RFI can be found here.
The Coast Guard has partnered with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Marine Design Center to develop a government-led design for the WLIs to minimize design risk, maximize commonality and reduce design burdens for prospective contractors. The Coast Guard plans on awarding a firm fixed price contract for detailed design and construction of the three WLIs and is currently developing the technical requirements package. The Coast Guard is targeting release of a draft request for proposal (RFP) in late fourth quarter fiscal year 2024 to receive further industry feedback. The final RFP release is anticipated in fiscal year 2025.
The WLIs are the third waterways commerce cutter variant and service short-range aids to navigation along the coastal and inland waterways. They maintain buoys that are beyond the capabilities of the nearest aids to navigation team and are located in areas either too shallow or otherwise too restricted for larger tenders to reach. The WLIs are expected to be based in the Great Lakes region, Southeast Alaska and the Pacific Northwest.
The deadline to submit responses to the RFI is May 2, 2024, at 4 p.m. ET.
For more information: Waterways Commerce Cutter Program page