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Coast Guard seeks information on UAS capabilities


The Coast Guard is conducting additional market research on Group 2 and Group 3 unmanned aircraft system (UAS) capabilities, sensors and payloads through a request for information (RFI) released Jan. 19.

The Coast Guard continues to respond to new challenges and threats in the maritime domain, so it is critical to have a comprehensive understanding of capabilities that are potentially available through the UAS commercial marketplace. The goal of this market research is to learn about the most recent advancements pertaining to system and service commerciality, performance and sensor capabilities.

The RFI is open to all vendors. Vendors who did not respond to an August 2022 RFI seeking information on the ability of small businesses to meet specific Coast Guard UAS requirements may provide that information as part of their response to this RFI.

The RFI is available here. One question needs to be answered by 1 p.m. EST Feb. 3; the rest of the responses are due by 1 p.m. Feb. 21.

For more information: Unmanned Aircraft Systems Program page