Sept. 13, 2017 —

A Coast Guard rescue team helps Hurricane Harvey survivors from an MH-60T Jayhawk medium range recovery helicopter. U.S. Coast Guard photo.
The Coast Guard Innovation Program is asking Coast Guard personnel for their lessons learned during Hurricane Harvey and Irma relief efforts to help improve future disaster response.
A new challenge on the CG_Ideas@Work crowdsourcing platform asks users to submit ideas based on their experience during the rescue and support operations. Ideas already proposed include improved asset tracking software, better education on the dangers of swift water, and closer coordination with volunteer groups like the Cajun Navy.
The hurricane relief challenge will remain open for an extended period to receive responses as recovery activities continue. It currently has sections for lessons learned on Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Jose, and an “Other” section to include lessons learned from relief efforts in response to any future storms that might occur through the end of the 2017 hurricane season. All Coast Guard service members, civilian employees, auxiliarists and contractors can submit a response.
Be aware that submitting an idea to CG_Ideas@Work is not meant to replace the official lessons learned reporting process per the Incident Management Handbook, but rather a means to rapidly collect and share ideas across the Coast Guard.
To view the challenge and submit an idea, go to
For more information: Innovation program page