Portraits of Diversity
1. My name is Venus Hulst. I’ve been in the Coast Guard for eight years. I'm a fully qualified Officer of the Day, Coxswain and Boarding Officer at Station Cape May. 2. My word to describe diversity is sexual orientation. In the past, there was "Don't ask, Don't tell" and you were judged for being different and possibly kicked out for it. Now, I'm a respected second class Boatswain's Mate that people look to for guidance regardless of who I like or love. Now, my friendships are stronger for not hiding myself. 3. With my experience and ethnic background, I’ve learned to be patient and never judge a book by its cover. 4. Outside of work I love to spoil my dog and spend time with friends that accept me. U.S. Coast Guard photo by Auxiliarist David Lau

Photo by: Auxiliarist David Lau |  VIRIN: 160304-G-QD712-740.JPG