Coast Guard workforce recognized for pioneering solutions

Coast Guard reinforces importance of innovation through annual awards

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Coast Guard top innovators recognized with annual awards

Coast Guard recognizes workforce innovation with annual awards


Coast Guard honors innovators with annual awards

Innovation from a life at sea

Capt. Niels P. Thomsen Innovation Awards

The Capt. Niels P. Thomsen Innovation Awards are presented annually to members of the Coast Guard workforce who use innovation to improve the service. Innovation can be used to advance the mission, transform policy and save money.

The awards are named after the Coast Guard inventor of the buoy chain stopper, which dramatically improved the safety of buoy tending operations. They are presented in six categories:

  • Science or Technology
  • Operations or Readiness
  • Administration, Training or Support
  • Culture Change
  • Auxiliary Achievement
  • Cmdr. Joel Magnussen Innovation Award for Management

Award nominations are submitted through the Coast Guard’s innovation crowdsourcing platform, CG_Ideas@Work.

Paste "Capt. Niels P. Thomsen Innovation Awards" in the Search box below to find articles on annual winners.