Office of Leadership (DCMS-DPR-5)


Commandant (DCMS-DPR-5)
U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE
Stop 7907
Washington, D.C. 20593-7907

Excellence in Government and e-Government Fellows Programs


About the Programs

The Partnership for Public Service Excellence in Government and e-Government Fellows programs emphasize a practical, immediate, hands-on approach to learning to lead for results.

The programs require participants to be away from their position for approximately 20 days over the course of the year.

The Excellence in Government Fellows and e-Government Fellows programs are proven, recognized initiatives focused on building strong public-sector leadership and management, driven by innovation and focused on results. Over the course of a year, during which Fellows remain in their full-time jobs, the programs concentrate on achieving results and delivering powerful lessons about leadership.

The programs offer a transformational experience that encourages Fellows to think differently and lead more effectively. The programs draw on the Partnership for Public Service's cross-sector approach to tap expertise from top practitioners in both the public and private sectors.

The Fellows programs are central to the Partnership for Public Service's mission of improving the performance and accountability of government. The programs are designed to give Fellows strategic tools as well as opportunities to exercise results-oriented leadership under the guidance of highly skilled and experienced professionals. They provide the ultimate on-the-job development for leaders in government.

Participant Objectives

  • Identify significant, measurable projects that can produce visible and important results within the program year.
  • Build new leadership skills as well as a clear understanding and renewed commitment to the vision, values, and missions of participants' agencies.
  • Contribute to a better performing, results-oriented government.


GS 14-15 and O 5-6 leaders seeking to solve national challenges by driving innovation, inspiring employees, and delivering results. Exceptional GS-13s are also encouraged to apply.

Program Dates

April 25, 2024 - March 6, 2025

Session Dates

May 7-10, 2024
Jun 25-28, 2024
Aug 27-30, 2024
Nov 12-15, 2024
Jan 7-10, 2025
Mar 4-6, 2025


Applications must be received by the Coast Guard no later than 1 Feb 2024.

Application Procedures

1. Coordinate with your Training Officer or ESO to submit an Electronic Training Request (ETR) using Direct Access. Course code: 500911.

2. Complete the application and include your resume and responses to essay questions. Resumes should not exceed one page. Download the application here.

3. Include a cover memo signed by the Flag Officer or SES in the applicant's chain of command. This cover memo will serve both as a statement of recommendation and a commitment to provide the time and sponsorship for program completion should the applicant be selected. The memo should comment on the applicant's performance and potential and comment on how the experience and knowledge gained in this program will benefit the individual and their unit.

4. Scan all required documents listed above as a .pdf package and email to with the course title as the email subject.

NOTE: DO NOT submit application directly to Partnership for Public Service.

Selection Process

1. A selection panel will review the documents of all eligible applicants.

2. Selected individuals will be notified by record message traffic of their selection.

3. Alternates will be selected and will attend the program in the event a primary candidate cannot attend.

4. Selected individuals will be directed to submit a completed SF182, including the signed Continued Service Agreement (pages 4-5 of the SF182).

More Information

Program Website -

One pager - /Portals/10/EIG%20Onepager%20Spring%202022_1.pdf

ETQC website:

Program Manager

Kin Szeto, phone 202-475-5515, email

*Costs are paid by Coast Guard Headquarters.