Base Detachment Saint Louis, Missouri

Mailing Address:
Base Detachment Saint Louis
1222 Spruce Street, Suite 2.107
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103-2832

"Gateway to Mission Support"
Base Detachment Saint Louis' Mission
We provide superior customer service excellence to accomplish Coast Guard missions with dedication, foresight, innovation, and a commitment to our Core Values.
Base Detachment Saint Louis Overview
Base Detachment St. Louis proudly provides a variety of support services to all Coast Guard units throughout the heartland of America. Services such as: general personnel administration, human resource support, medical administration, supply & procurement support, industrial services, Work-Life services and housing support.
Strategic Direction
Support successful Coast Guard mission execution through dedication, efficiency, foresight, innovation, and a commitment to our Core Values.

Base Detachment consists of 7 Departments
- Personnel Department - The Personnel Department provides pay, benefits, and medical administration support, issues military ID cards, oversees DEERS enrollment, and local housing.
- Comptroller/Base Operations Department - The Comptroller/Base Operations Department provides logistical, property, and funds management services to Base Detachment St. Louis.
- Industrial Production Detachment - The Industrial Production Detachment (IPD) is the largest manufacturer of day boards (navigational aids) in the Coast Guard. The IPD also provides intermediate and depot level maintenance to 18 Coast Guard river tenders.
- Electronic Systems Support Detachment (ESD) - Electronic Support Detachment is responsible for organizational level maintenance and repairs on all Coast Guard standard C4IT systems
- Health, Safety & Work-Life Department - The HSWL provides Work-Life programs for units within theBase Detachment's area of responsibility.
- Procurement & Contracting Department - The Procurement & Contracting Department provides contracting and procurement services for units within the Base Detachment's area of responsibility.
- Maintenance Augmentation Team - The Maintenance Augmentation Team is responsible for maintenance, and repair to all Coast Guard Standard river tender SFLC product lines.
Base Detachment Saint Louis is located in downtown Metropolitan Saint Louis in the Robert A. Young Federal Building.
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