MHS Notice of Privacy Practices

The Family Resource Specialist of the Coast Guard's Work-Life Staff is the primary point of contact for all Coast Guard members and their families in the areas of Special Needs, Child Care, Elder Care, Scholarships for dependents, and the Coast Guard's Adoption Reimbursement Program.

The services that can be received from the Family Resource Specialist include, Special Needs training to units, information about the Coast Guard's Special Need Program, assistance in the enrollment process, information and referrals to community support services and management of Special Needs Case records. Enrolled Special Needs families may be eligible for Special Needs grants and loans through Coast Guard Mutual Assistance and the CGMA Respite Care Program.

For individuals considering adoption of children, the Family Resource Specialist can provide the Adoption application and information to participate in the Coast Guard's Adoption Reimbursement Program (see also USCG Annual Adoption Month).

The Coast Guard Foundation Scholarships Open Season and application is annually beginning January through April. Scholarship applicants are encouraged to contact the Family Resource Specialist for assistance or information. Community resources by county for Child and elder care programs can also be obtained from the Family Resource Specialist.

Contact Information:

Family Resource Specialist
(510) 437-3881