Work-Life Logo

Office of Work-Life (CG-1K1)

Looking for help now?
Contact your regional Work-Life staff here or  CG SUPRT 24/7/365.


The Employee Assistance Program Coordinator (EAPC) within HSWL can assist with Suicide Prevention training and other program information.

Click here to contact your EAPC Regional Work-Life Staff.

If you need additional non-emergency assistance, contact the Suicide Prevention Program Manger, CDR LaMar Henderson at 202-475-5154

Article on the new 988 Suicide Hot Line on MyCG

Suicide Prevention Program


If you or someone you know needs support, please call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988.


Suicide Prevention Stand-down 


Stand-Down Command Message from the Commandant and Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard

1. Suicide Prevention Toolkit                                                         2. Leadership Safe Message Guide 

3. USCG Stand-Down - Suicide Prevention Spotlight                   4. Suicide Prevention Trifold

5. Stress Continuum                                                                      6. Columbia Protocol Mobile App Training Slides 

                                                                                                       7. Stand-Down Event Flyer & Signage


Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Resources

September 3: 

September 4:

September 10:

September 17: 



Ask, Care, Escort (ACE) Card- Guided questions to assist with members who may be suicidal

ACE PSA: highlight the ease of use (and effectiveness) of the ACE (which utilizes the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale) for everyone in the total CG workforce; providing guidance to intervene when an individual may be experiencing crisis

CISM Trifold Download    Suicide Prevention Trifold download

Who is Eligible for this Program?
This Program applies to all Coast Guard active duty and reserve personnel and appropriated civilian and non-appropriated fund employees and their families. It also applies to other Uniformed Services members and their families while either serving with the Coast Guard or using Coast Guard facilities.

Purpose of Program
To provide policy, procedures and assign responsibilities for the Coast Guard’s Suicide Prevention Program. Each of us in the Coast Guard must make it our individual responsibility to become aware of the warning signs and circumstances that are often associated with suicidal behavior [see enclosures (3) and (4) in Suicide Prevention Program, Commandant Instruction 1734.1A].

Emergency suicide crisis services may also be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week via
the CG SUPRT Program toll free number
855-CGSUPRT (247-8778).

If on-site Psychological assistance is needed, call 988

If on site Medical assistance is needed call 911

If you know of a friend, loved-one, co-worker, or family member who is exhibiting suicidal communications or behaviors, bring it to the attention of someone who can help. Don’t keep it a secret. If the person is on active duty, informing the person’s chain of command is essential, particularly if the person is unwilling or unable to obtain help on his/her own.

Program Confidentiality
Information about suicidal communications and/or behaviors is not considered confidential. In fact, we in the Coast Guard have an obligation to share such information with others to ensure help is provided to any person who has attempted or is known to be contemplating suicide. Medical care and mental health providers who believe that a patient has intentions to harm self and/or others are obligated to take appropriate action to protect the patient and/or others.

See Enclosure (1) of Suicide Prevention Program, Commandant Instruction 1734.1A for definitions that apply to the Suicide Prevention Program.

Services and Resources Available
The following services and resources are available within the Suicide Prevention Program:

Program References
The following reference provide details of the Suicide Prevention Program:



Related Hotlines and Websites
The following hotlines and websites provide information related to the Suicide Prevention Program:

  • Army Study To Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers (STARRS) - Army STARRS is the largest study of mental health risk and resilience ever conducted among military personnel. This site already has many resources and links worth exploring and promises to add more over the 5-year span of this important study.
  • Centers for Disease Control - This well-indexed federal website provides extensive information on the subject of violence and suicide prevention.
  • Defense Centers of Excellence (DCoE) for Psychological Health and Brain Injury - DCoE’s mission: assesses, validates, oversees and facilitates prevention, resilience, identification, treatment, outreach, rehabilitation, and reintegration programs for psychological health and traumatic brain injury to ensure the Department of Defense meets the needs of the nation's military communities, warriors and families. This site has many helpful links related to assisting persons impacted by critical incidents.
  • InTransition - This DoD program is for all military members including members of the Coast Guard. It provides service members currently receiving mental health treatment a bridge of support between health care providers should they transfer to a new location or separate from active service.
  • National Hopeline Network - Provides 24/7 crisis counseling for those who are thinking of suicide and for those worried that someone may commit suicide. Callers are connected to the nearest certified crisis counseling center. Individuals seeking help can call 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433).
  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - Sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Service’s Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s Center for Mental Health Services, this national hotline 24/7 suicide prevention service is available to all those in suicidal crisis who are seeking help. Individuals seeking help can call 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Callers are routed to the closest possible provider of mental health and suicide prevention services. Active duty and veterans should identify themselves as such so that additional services can be provided as needed. However, no identifying information is required from callers. The site contains a special section for veterans.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) - This Department of Health and Human Services website offers plenty of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention-related resources.
  • Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) - This government-sponsored website provides prevention support, training, and resources to assist organizations and individuals to develop suicide prevention programs, interventions and policies, and to advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention. Site also provides an opportunity to subscribe to the Spark, a weekly e-newsletter containing related announcements, news stories, and links.
  • Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors - The mission of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors is to provide comfort and support to ALL who are grieving the loss of a loved one in military service. The program reaches out to anyone, regardless of relationship, circumstance or geographic location of the casualty.
  • “Veterans Chat” - An online, one-on-one “chat-service” for veterans. It enables veterans, their families, and friends to communicate anonymously with a trained VA counselor. This service is available 24/7.

Emergency suicide crisis services may also be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week via
the CG SUPRT Program toll free number
855-CGSUPRT (247-8778).

If on-site Psychological assistance is needed, call 988

If Medical assistance is needed call 911 

The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.