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Office of Diversity and Inclusion (CG-1D1)

Commandant (CG-1D1)
U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE Stop 7907
Washington, D.C. 20593-7907

About Us

Recognizing Diversity as a Mission Readiness Issue

The role of the Coast Guard is critical to national security. Its mission is to protect the public, the environment, and America’s economic interests in the nation’s ports and waterways. The Coast Guard values diversity, teamwork, and responsiveness. Our mission in valuing diversity is to build a positive and respectful work environment for all personnel, regardless of their similarities or differences, to enhance our mission capabilities.


The Coast Guard will be recognized as the “service of Choice” in the federal government for recruiting, retaining and sustaining a ready, diverse and highly-skilled total workforce. We will foster an environment in which every individual has the opportunity to prosper and contribute to Coast Guard missions.


The Coast Guard Core Values embody the very nature of selfless service achieved through the contributions of each individual.